May 19, 2009
About Me
- Name: Anathemata
- Location: Los Angeles, California, United States
Mathew Timmons is a writer, curator and critic in Los Angeles. He is the General Director of General Projects at various locations including Outpost for Contemporary Art and The Ups & Downs, an installation series, at workspace. He also co-edits/curates Insert Press (w/ Stan Apps), LA-Lit (w/ Stephanie Rioux), Late Night Snack (w/ Harold Abramowitz) and he is the Los Angeles editor of Joyland. A chapbook, Lip Service is recently out from Slack Buddha Press. His work may also be found in various journals, including: P-Queue, Holy Beep!, Flim Forum, The Physical Poets, NōD, PRECIPICe, Or, Moonlit, aslongasittakes, eohippus labs, Area Sneaks, Artweek and The Encyclopedia Project.
General Projects
- Area Sneaks
- Eohippus Labs
- Explorsion
- Flickr
- General Projects
- High Energy Constructs
- i.e. Press
- Insert Press
- Joyland
- LA-Lit
- Late Night Snack
- Les Figues Press
- Machine Project
- Make Now Press
- Outpost for Contemporary Art
- Palm Press
- Poetic Research Bureau
- P S Books
- The Smell Series
- workspace
- aslongasittakes
- The Corduroy Mtn.
- emohippus
- Encyclopedia Project
- Flim Forum
- i-outlaw
- Kadar Koli
- Many Happy Returns
- MoonLit
- Outside Voices Soundponent
- Or
- The Physical Poets
- Poetry Machine 1
- P-Queue
- The Press Gang
- Shampoo 32
- Sleepingfish
- 3:15 Experiment 2007
- Ursonorous Disruption
- Harold Abramowitz's Flickr
- A Cabinet
- Danielle Adair
- Stan Apps
- Jason Brown
- Franklin Bruno
- Allison Carter
- Da Benshi Code
- Catherine Daly
- Michelle Detorie
- Fallen Fruit
- K. Lorraine Graham
- Nicholas Grider
- Susanne Hall
- Douglas Messerli
- Frederique de Montblanc
- Joseph Mosconi
- Tiny Organism
- Totally Obvious
- Videopoetics
- Mark Wallace
- Christine Wertheim
- Willowbutton's low button magic
Further Afield
- A Tonalist
- Clay Banes
- Dodie Bellamy
- Lindsey Boldt
- Anne Boyer
- David Buuck
- Phil Cordelli & Brandon Shimoda
- Critical Documents
- Brent Cunningham
- Ryan Daley
- Folderol
- Nada Gordon
- Jessi Guilford
- Mike Kelleher
- Matthew Klane
- K. Silem Mohammad
- Dan Richert
- Jessica Smith
- Juliana Spahr & Bill Luoma
- Brian Kim Stefans
- BK Stefans II
- Vertice 1925
- Alli Warren
- Stephanie Young

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Recent Posts
- This Blog Has Moved!
- CREDIT Launch! & Conceptual Lit Reading! in Los An...
- The Ups & Downs
- Reading Extravaganza!
- Les Figues: Maneuvers
- Review of Erik Frydenborg's show at Bonelli
- An Afternoon Reading... July 12, 2009 at The Loung...
- Credit
- The odd note on Apollinaire
- coffee enema
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