February 26, 2009
February 22, 2009
My Bad Tab Habit
I have this habit of collecting open tabs in my browser over the course of several days, because, yes, I'm one of those people who shuts down their computer about once every other month or so. This has been the cause of some recent posts on my blog - where I just kinda dump a bunch of random links to things I've found or people have shown me or whatever - so now here are some more...
and then... after getting back from AWP in Chicago last Sunday I ended up going to Cinefamily that night to see Jacob Ciocci from Paper Rad which was awesome and kinda hurt my eyes. He did a thing at the end that was live performance etc which he called a dance routine (a mental dance routine for those of us sitting in the audience). I made an off the cuff time lapse of some of that from the camera on my iphone. I'm obsessed with time lapse right now.
here's the dance routine.
(with a little bit of another performance there at the beginning)
February 20, 2009
February 16, 2009
February 08, 2009
The Ups & Downs: Janne Larsen
Time Lapse Documentation of The Ups & Downs 4
The Ups & Downs: You and Them
at workspace
You and Them by Janne Larsen
as part of The Ups & Downs, an installation series curated by Mathew Timmons
This installation is about elbows, the least friendly part of the body; elbows on the freeway, the least social social-interaction. Let’s face it: In the freeway it is You or Them. Body parts are at high risks, morphing into the space of the car, you maneuver and try to out-strategize Them. The last figure in the installation is the hopelessly ideal. The one that is the Other. The unused body part, the dreamer, the drifter, the asleep at the wheel, the one no one talks about.
Opening reception February 6th, 2009 at 7:00pm
Closing reception February 7th, 2009 at 7:00pm
The Ups & Downs is an installation series. The show goes up, the show goes down. Opening party on Friday night and closing party the next night, on Saturday. No time for exhibitions. Low impact, ephemeral and immersive art. People with lots of People. The market. It’s a party. Time for the underground. It’s a ball. It’s for The People. This has been made for you. Do I know you? The show must go on. Installed and De-installed. Up. Down. Now what? Now then…
The Ups & Downs: Dan Richert

Photos from The Ups & Downs 3
The Ups & Downs
Dan Richert
Thursday, November 13, 2008 from 7 to 10 pm
Friday, November 14, 2008 from 7 to 10pm
Betalevel has sprung a leak! We are moving Dan Richert’s installation in The Ups & Downs series to Marmion Way located at 4233 Marmion Way #3, los angeles 90065.
The Ups & Downs is an installation series. The show goes up, the show goes down. Opening party on Thursday night and closing party the next night, on Friday. No time for exhibitions. Low impact, ephemeral and immersive art. People with lots of People. The market. It’s a party. Time for the underground. It’s a ball. It’s for The People. This has been made for you. Do I know you? The show must go on. Installed and De-installed. Up. Down. Now what? Now then…
The Ups & Downs:
Dan Richert
*sc3gzr* is an interactive gamepad-controlled text stream filter designed around pattern-based text filtering functionality similar to that found in the UNIX tools grep and sed. Filtering patterns are determined by control messages sent from the gamepad. *sc3gzr* is an experiment in non-linear text presentation.
Dan Richert is a programmer and digital artist. His work primarily focuses on computerized text and audio generation, recombination and breakage.
The Ups & Downs: Marcus Civin & Candice Lin
Time Lapse Documentation of The Ups & Downs 2
The Ups & Downs
Marcus Civin & Candice Lin
Thursday, October 23, 2008 from 7 to 10 pm
Friday, October 24, 2008 from 10pm to late
The Ups & Downs is an installation series. The show goes up, the show goes down. Opening party on Thursday night and closing party the next night, on Friday. No time for exhibitions. Low impact, ephemeral and immersive art. People with lots of People. The market. It’s a party. Time for the underground. It’s a ball. It’s for The People. This has been made for you. Do I know you? The show must go on. Installed and De-installed. Up. Down. Now what? Now then…
The Ups & Downs:
Marcus Civin & Candice Lin
When the wind got too rough, and the ship was pitching, sailors took an axe to the mast, so the lighting wouldn’t catch. We were at the top, in the crow’s nest, tangled in the nets and in the tatters of the sails. When it was all over, we climbed out and found we had washed upon a beach of graphite sand. Shipwreck! Enormous Crow’s Nest built to reach the ceiling, stuck in and consuming the underground space at Betalevel.
Candice Lin and Marcus Civin both attended Brown University at the same time but never really met there. They both lived in San Francisco but never met there, though they had friends in common. A mutual friend, Maggie Foster, encouraged them to meet up in LA. As a result, they have been exchanging ideas for the last 2 years. Candice is planning an exhibition for Chung King Projects. Marcus is almost finished his MFA in Studio Art at University of California, Irvine.
The Ups & Downs: Pablo Molina
Time Lapse Documentation of The Ups & Downs 1
The Ups & Downs
Pablo N. Molina
Thursday, September 25, 2008 from 7 to 10 pm
Friday, September 26, 2008 from 7 to 10 pm
The Ups & Downs is an installation series. The show goes up, the show goes down. Opening party on Thursday night and closing party the next night, on Friday. No time for exhibitions. Low impact, ephemeral and immersive art. People with lots of People. The market. It’s a party. Time for the underground. It’s a ball. It’s for The People. This has been made for you. Do I know you? The show must go on. Installed and De-installed. Up. Down. Now what? Now then…
The Ups & Downs:
Pablo N. Molina
Continuing an exploration of human-media interaction, Pablo N. Molina’s newest work uses digital projection and custom software to create a dynamic spatialized interface where human movement is processed and extended. An immersive and responsive video display and digital sensory framework will track both presence and movement to produce an intricate and reactive environment. Meaningful conversations between human stimuli and data processing are temporarily registered as visual and auditory output. Viewers should feel free to explore and discover new modes of action and reaction. The purposely open-ended coding framework allows for completely unexpected, though never random, modes of feedback.
Pablo N. Molina is a Los Angeles and New York City based video, lighting and sound artist. His work has appeared in several galleries and numerous theatrical, music and dance performances including pieces by Carl Hancock Rux, Neil Denari, Karin Coonrod, Bebe Miller, Aimee Michelle, Lars Jan, Mira Kingsley, Sam Gold, Chi-wang Yang, Benny Sato Ambush, Cloud Eye Control, Rachel Boggia and High Jinks Dance Co. His digitally generated video content was prominently featured in Linkin Park’s recent Projekt Revolution world tour. He is currently collaborating with MODE Studios in Seattle to develop a large scale interactive video and sound installation commissioned by a prominent Fortune 500 company. Pablo teaches video design and programming at CalArts.