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June 09, 2008

NōD 8 Launch Party!!!

If you happen to be in Calgary, this sounds like a good Launch Party. I look forward to seeing the issue - it's got some pieces of mine from Lip Service in there.

NōD 8 Launch Party!!!

Thursday, June 12

7-10pm @ Weeds Café:

903-20th Ave NW

NōD is pleased to announce the release of its eighth issue! Issue 8 (viral themed) is set to release Thursday, June 12. So come, celebrate with us: enjoy the food and drink, listen to some great readers and buy a magazine! Issue 8 promises to be another fantastic installment in the NōD saga; the NōD 8 Launch Party would be a shame to miss.

Music By:
A Chalkboard
Readings by:
Christian Bok
Meghan Doraty
ryan fitzpatrick
Kim Tan-MacNeill
Michael Yip
Emily Chin

The event starts at 7pm - come by & buy a magazine and tea or coffee! Music by A Chalkboard at 7:30, and readings will start at 8pm.

Spread the word and see you soon!

NōD Magazine
Department of English, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive N.W.
Calgary, AB
T2T 1N4


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