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April 14, 2007

An Expression of The Tripartite Expression of Napoleon's Dominance.

There was time. And Right Now it is Happening. There will come a time when it will pass. I was Napoleon. Napoleon's art of war is himself. Napoleon will disavow suggestions that his work is formulaic. War was Hell. Napoleonic War is nothing, but complex. The Napoleonic Campaigns will be an exhaustively debilitating analysis. Battles were raging. There are battles in the pyramids. In Egypt, in Cairo, the troops will go crazy. Napoleon was wouded. I am the greatest commander ever. All will be killed in action or taken prisoner. I loved canons. The smoke from them is beautiful. The sound of canons will tell of my glory. They were sleeping. I am awake, full of you. Your image will leave no rest to my senses. You were awake. The night is full of pleasures. The memory of last night's intoxication will never pass. Josephine loved not. Power is my mistress, not you. France, the Army, you will be the Army, Josephine. I was Romantic. These are good fields of fire. Napoleon will have complete freedom of movement, or nothing. My horse died. My horse, dead in the streets. I'll survive unscathed, my horse shot dead beneath me. I was heroic. I fulfill the titles of glory. I'll become a national hero in two days time. She was Rose. Now, she is Josephine, my lover. She will be Empress of the French, with me. I was married. I hate, detest, her name Rose. For me, my love, you will always be Josephine. This was real. I am in love with Josephine. I will come to loath her, and her name. I knew everything. They tell everyone of my fame. Le Journal de Bonaparte will be an enormous success. Napoleon was masterful. I've an uncanny sense of it. The intelligence which will show me when to strike. That was that. I cannot love you any longer. You'll die a wretch, truly perverse, and only Josephine. Napoleon was enlightened. I'm devoted to the Enlightenment's principles. I'll deploy intellectual resources as a masterstroke of propaganda. I wrote you. You do not love your husband. Will you write to me as my faithful lover? What are you? What do you do all day? You'll stifle and push aside the love you promised? Who took you? Who takes you away from me? I will be forever your love and supreme commander! There were canons. I am the canons en masse. They will know my name, because I am Napoleon! I was broken. One fine night the doors break. The doors will break down and there I'll be. I was worried. I have no news from you. Your delightful words will fill my heart with joy. There was rain. There is snow in the fields. The snow white fields will turn red with blood. She was Empress. She is all of my Empire. Napoleon's Empire is going to stretch completely across her. I was Napoleonic. Who came first – Napoleon the first. Who will go there before me – Napoleon the first. I was king. The new king reigns over you. You will be conquered by me, the new king. Power was mysterious. I'm tired of all this grandeur. At twenty-nine I will have exhausted everything for you. I judged judge. I'm judging you all right now. And your eyes will cast me in glowing fire. Were you angry? My sad soul breaks with grief. And there will be no rest for your lover. She adorned years. Years of my life are passing. The memory will always remain engraved on my heart. You soldiers came. I am now bidding you farewell. I will accompany you on the road to honor. We had courage. These are the days of prosperity. With men like you our cause won't be lost. War was interminable. All of France suffers this misfortune. But Russia will not drag our homeland into civil war. We've served faithfully. I have sacrificed all my interests. My soldiers will show an inexpressible confidence in me. Napoleon was conquered. I do not regret my fate. I go, but you will continue to serve France. France has faded. Her happiness is my only thought. It will still be the object of my wishes. Fate wasn't regretful. I have consented to survive it. I will write the history of the great achievements. Time has gone. I say goodbye to you all. There will come a time of new found glory. Forgiveness was gone. My heart is obsessed by you. Yours will be built out of lace and gossamer. I had armies. You love me less and less. In a few years war will change beyond recognition. Revolution was over. My Great Republic has no governmnent. And the constitution, you yourselves will have it destroyed. All was destroyed. My glory is won in battle. Waterloo will erase the memory of so many battles. I was courageous. I am proud of my courage. If France can rise again, then so will I! We were happy. Love comes all of a sudden. And with love will come only the greatest war. The Army perished. In truth I am worried, love. I will hold you in my arms before long. Josephine was mine! Russia is now shrouded in winter. I'll be distressed not to call her by name. Love was bare. Nature has endowed me with character. Napoleon will be loved by you, all of you. The soldiers died. They are fire, and they burn. My Grand Army will come to gather around me. Things went downhill. You are ill and far away. My troops will dwindle in numbers as we retreat. I was suffocating. The two armies are now moving. One will outwit the other, Victory to the cleverer. I was withdrawn. And now I come to you. Will you all leave me in this cold winter? Napoleon was dead. The troops are tired and hungry. Both Russia and Josephine will soon be mine again! I begged you. Apart from you there is no joy. And now you are going to repeat it all.


At 6:31 PM, Blogger Stanley Bishop Burhans said...

I enjoyed this piece. I enjoy works of this type. It will be my pleasure to reread it, later.


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