
blob blob blob blob blob blob blos blop blob blob blobg blog -Jackson Mac Low (1956)

February 22, 2006


what is all this, but idle minded scrawlings on an already written surface? Graffiti tags in constat degradation and constantly covered over again. Writing is forever diappearing reading is to leave enough time for something else, leave another time - the surface - a drift away from another script – inevitably recovering the same place / path, ultimately different a sea of(in) difference – an attack on this terpitude of lack? is it ever moral to read, write? clearly. because these things have nothing to do with either of each other or purpose and anyone who has pretended a letter has a specific purpose is an abject and fervent moralist. even a letter as in a love letter beyond simply the letter l or o or v or e written with the intention of giving or sending someone a message is yet purposeless and will only need to be rplacd with another letter (a place a ltter, i) another object and eventually moved away to another subject not (loroorvore (loro or vore)) just for the sake of leaving a shift away from or, an essential swerve(?), in essence you'll swoon.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger tiny-o said...

so great man!


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