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August 01, 2006

What reads?

Ok, so the original idea of this blog/project was to simply produce a chronicle of reflections about whatever I happened to be reading at the time, while soliciting suggestions for what to read from friends.

That idea went out the window a while ago.
For now though, in the spirit of first thoughts/best thoughts, here's a list of some things I've been reading lately (This may be more for me than anyone else, but oh well).

The Iliad, Homer
The Odyssey, Homer
The Aeneid, Virgil (currently reading)
Caligula, Albert Camus
A Slight Ache, Harold Pinter
The Crucible, Arthur Miller
Stories, Oscar Wilde (a wierd little collection of stories I picked up at Alias books early this summer - mostly of odd short stories published in magazines)
The Blue Flowers, Raymond Queneau
We Always Treat Women Too Well, Raymond Queneau
In Cold Blood, Truman Capote
Portnoy's Complaint, Philip Roth
At Swim-Two-Birds, Flann O'Brien
The Third Policeman, Flann O'Brien (currently reading)

There's some other stuff I'm forgetting right now, but that's a nice strange representation of my recent reading habits anyway.


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